Monday, February 8, 2016

Day 8 ....REALLY?

So it's now day 8 and I've been camping out in my living room. Thank goodness my aunt Catherine brought me some air mattresses.  I don't suggest using Across Canada Movers. This morning at 7:00 am a moving truck drove into my neighbors parking space. I was thinking that FINALLY they came and got the address wrong. I ran outside with my fuzzy slippers and yelled, "I'm over here!" Turns out they didn't have the address wrong and it was for my neighbors. Day 8. Still no furniture but on the plus side no squirrels. Day 8. I'm over it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day Two- Squirrel In The House

It feels sort of weird sleeping in an empty place. Although, it has been allowing me to focus on working on my scripts without any distractions.

I woke up in pain this morning.  Maybe it's because I'm older and can't sleep on the couch. Would it be better to sleep on the floor? Maybe even the bathtub could be a comfortable option.

I opened the door to empty out the garbage and a squirrel ran into my place. Day two. Squirrel.
How did I capture the squirrel?  Suite cases came in handy again. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day One In The New Place. No Furniture.

As some of you know I've been moving across the country slowly, but surely back home. I started off in Fort St. John, B.C then to Cochrane in Alberta, then to Calgary on a farm. Feeling thankful that I am now back home in Ottawa where I grew up.  I've moved probably more than many people have moved in a year. I'm hoping not to move for a while now as I focus on my career and my writing.

The movers keep misplacing my stuff. It was lost for 3 weeks. Spent the first night here without any of my things. Slept on a couch that the owner left here. Got a call that it is going to be a week late. If they don't misplace it again. I bet some stranger is sleeping on my bed right now!  This is what happened on the first day without anything.

Day 1

Slept on the couch. Fire alarm went off when I just literally turned on the stove. No chairs to reach it. I had to use my suitcases to climb up and to take the battery out of the alarm. Clearly, a short person problem. I am now drinking coffee out of a lime green plastic cup. This just the beginning.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Try waking up in the morning and being thankful that you are breathing. Thankful to have a bed to sleep on. Thankful for running water and thankful to have that hot shower. People tend to be obsessed with what they don't have. People are always comparing themselves to other people. Don't get me wrong, it's hard not to, especially when times are rough. When times are rough just think; it could be worse. There could be a lion chasing after you, and if there is a lion chasing you, you're shit out of luck.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Recently, I came across an old diary and it said I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. As time passes and life happens we often forget to do what we love. Here is the truth: don't ask just do. Do what you love. If you like swimming go dive in. If you love to dance close your eyes and let your body feel the music. If you like taking photos start clicking already. If you like to read join a library. If you like just chilling at home watching movies get a Netflicks account. Do whatever it is that makes you happy. Again, stop asking permission to feel good. Feed your soul. A tree dies without water. A person drowns without spirit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Take the time to read, the time to laugh and the time to relax. Sometimes it's very easy to get anxious with every day pressures. You spend so much energy overthinking things and are always in competition with other people. You have to do what is good for yourself. No one else. Live in the now and remember you should be happy. You are alive and breathing. Stop beating yourself up about things. Instead count your blessings.

The Secret To Cooking

Eating is good for the soul. There is nothing better than a home cooked meal full of love.

Possibly one of the mortal sins of cooking is not adding any extra flavour to their meals. It is dry and boring. 
Food without a bit of spice is like a kiss without a squeeze. Its there but you know something is missing. New cooks often face a dilemma deciding which spices and herbs to add. No need fret! 

I have a secret to share. Buy a jar of Montreal Steak spice. Yes, it's not just for steaks. It works with everything from soup, vegetables to noodles. Now you know. The secret is out.

It is the go to spice for beginner cooks or for people that just need to whip up something fast. Just add it to vegetables or chicken and you'll have a tasty feast. 

So add a bit of spice to your life and don't forget the squeeze!!!!